The Benefits of Clear Braces

Clear Braces Fullerton, CA

Acquiring a straight smile does not have to involve bulky brackets and wires. With clear braces, it is possible to achieve a straight smile discreetly and, in most cases, in 18 months or less. Take a closer look at how this appliance can get you a step closer to your dream smile.

An Overview of Clear Braces: What You Need to Know

What are clear braces?

Clear braces are plastic models of the patient's teeth that resemble trays. They consist of medical-grade BPA-free plastic or acrylic that snugly snap over the teeth. Unlike traditional braces, which require brackets and wires, clear braces are clear and virtually invisible in the mouth. Their primary aim is to shift mild to moderately misaligned teeth.

How clear braces work

Clear braces involve a system. Patients do not get one custom aligner tray but a series to keep up with their changing alignment. During the appointment, the orthodontist will take measurements of the patient's jaw and teeth. They will likely acquire these with the help of 3D imaging technology. Some orthodontists require a mold of the teeth, which involves the patient biting down on a plush, putty-like material. This process helps diagnose the patient's type of malocclusion and craft their first set of aligners. While it can take up to six weeks for the custom set to finish, there are cases where it only requires two weeks.

Patients are to wear the aligners for at least 22 hours daily between each visit after receiving the first set of aligners, which can be one or two times per month. The aligners will gradually shift the teeth to a healthier, more linear position. Per Healthline, they popularly address the following conditions:

  • Crossbite
  • Crowded teeth
  • Gap teeth
  • Open bite
  • Overbite
  • Underbite

Benefits of clear braces

Clear braces are often seen as alternatives to traditional braces. However, they have their own set of benefits and drawbacks. Here are some attractive benefits for many patients:

Better oral hygiene

With clear braces, patients can care for their teeth as normal. No special tools are necessary unless previously recommended for their specific malocclusion. Therefore, patients can and are strongly encouraged to clean their teeth twice a day, floss at least once, and clean their aligners at least once, preferably at night. Cleaning the aligners requires only a clean cloth, antibacterial alcohol-free soap, and lukewarm water.


The aligners will snap over the teeth, requiring no adhesives, brackets, wires, or clips to hold them in place. Aside from the adjustment period following each new set, the aligners are painless and feel close to normal in the mouth. The adjustment period may involve tender gums and slight speech changes. However, these side effects tend to only last a few days.

Discreet appearance

Clear braces get their name from the BPA-free plastic or acrylic materials used to make them, which are completely transparent. This way, when patients smile or speak, they do not need to worry about their appliance being too noticeable. In fact, they are virtually invisible to the naked eye.

Flexible diet changes

Unlike other straightening options, clear braces offer patients the opportunity to continue their colorful diets. While we always recommend that patients follow a healthy, balanced diet, there may still be concerns about various textures or toughness of some foods. Patients are able to eat anything they desire. However, they must remove the aligners before doing so. Additionally, during the adjustment period, some find it difficult to eat tough or chewy foods as their gums are still getting used to the new pressure. Furthermore, patients should be careful to avoid foods and beverages with natural or synthetic dyes, as this can stain the teeth and aligners, eventually becoming noticeable and irreversible (for aligners).

Potentially quicker treatment times

Clear braces have a reputation for providing faster treatment times than their traditional counterparts. They can straighten patients' teeth in as little as six months or as much as 18 months. Of course, this depends on the malocclusion being treated, its severity, and how well the patient follows instructions.


As previously stated, clear braces are removable appliances. This is particularly attractive for patients who participate in activities that require a mouthguard or are in the middle of their adjustment period and need to make an important speech or presentation at work or school. Still, patients must wear the aligners for a minimum of 22 hours a day, but the extra two hours allow for wiggle room to eat, complete oral hygiene, and perform activities that would be better served without them.

Straighten Your Smile in The Fullerton Area

Straightening your smile can be discreet with the right appliances. Contact the Fullerton Orthodontics & Children's Dentistry Fullerton office by calling (714) 459-8060 today to see whether clear braces are the right option for you. We can schedule an appointment to help explore your teeth straightening options.

Request an appointment here: or call Fullerton Orthodontics & Children's Dentistry at (714) 459-8060 for an appointment in our Fullerton office

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Clear Braces in Fullerton, CA.

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